The KC64EXP is a multislot cartridge that allows to connect 2 cartridges to the expansion port. You can enable cartridge...
The KC64EXP is a multislot cartridge that allows to connect 2 cartridges to the expansion port. You can enable cartridge...
KC64ETH cartridge adds an 10Mbit Ethernet port based on Crystal CS8900 to C64 and C128 and is compatible with RR-NET, NET64...
The first C64C that came out had still a full length board, ASSY 250466 that is considered the perfect full...
Here it is my Epyx Fastload Replica, after prototype version you saw in a previous post, finally here it is...
it has been a while since I last updated this blog since many things have happened and I have been...
I produced a Replica of the famous MultiMAX cartridge for a couple of friends that bought Commodore MAX Machine. This...
Replica fatta in casa della famosa cartuccia Epyx Fastload. Cartuccia semplice ma ottima da usare con sd2iec e con un...
Adattatore completato e 27c800 programmata con successo. L'adattatore e' compatibile con 27c160, 27c400 e 27c800. Adapter completed and 27c800 successfully...
Recap dei condensatori elettrolitici dello ZX Spectrum 48K per ripulire disturbi video. Dopo il recap l'uscita video e' migliorata molto...